Wednesday, April 29, 2020

28 The Challenge of Online Dating in Times of Coronavirus

Now that we are beginning to timidly de-escalate in Spain, we must think about the strange new world that will open up before us as we arrive at that nebulous state known as the “new normal”. Without any doubt, in the post-coronavirus world, there will be a significant number of activities that will require great ingenuity and imagination. One of them is online dating.

As everyone is aware, there are currently a number of online dating sites for meeting people of one’s same age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, mindset, etc. Even before the Covid-19 tsunami, a lot of people, both young and old, used these applications to meet their significant (or non-significant) other.

My daughter (in her 30s) met her partner thanks to a dating app, and my sister (in her late 50s) also met her husband in that same way. Fortunately, neither of these men turned out to be an axe-murderer, and both couples are now living happily ever after.

Since Internet did not exist in prehistoric times, I have never engaged in this practice.  However, thanks to the mating rituals of close family members, I have been able to view first-hand the complex process of profile-creation, candidate selection, chatting, and eventual face-to-face meeting, which online dating entails. All of these phases can vary somewhat, depending on the age, interests, and goals of the people involved.

When my sister, the jazz musician, created her profile, she initially sliced five years off her age. She was able to get away with it because she looks younger than she is. She told me that if she had been truthful about her age, she would only have gotten suitors in wheel chairs and oxygen tanks. 

Her husband is five years younger than she is, and he has no complaints. When she finally revealed her true age to him, she did so in a very pleasurable context in which such revelations seem totally inconsequential. She also never prolonged the chatting phase because she quite rightly asserted that she had no time to lose. However, meeting people too soon, without a previous phase of chat-elimination, means that before Prince Charming finally comes along, one ends up kissing more than a few frogs.

In contrast, my daughter, the forensic doctor, had no need to misrepresent her age. During her Internet dating period, she was not in a hurry and would chat with each candidate for a fairly long period of time,. During the chat phase, the man had to pass a basic literacy test. 

This meant his messages had to be syntactically and semantically coherent. He also had to reflect his lexical competence (ability to accurately use words of three syllables or more without misspelling them). He was also expected to be courteous and be able to talk about current events with a reasonable level of intelligence and good humor. If he passed all of these tests, then a face-to-face meeting could be arranged to see if the real person corresponded to the online persona.

With the coronavirus confinement, dating sites have risen in importance because they are now the only totally safe way for people to get to know and meet each other. (Covid-19 has still not mutated sufficiently to affect a computer, much less the person operating it.) For this reason, more or more people are searching for their other half online. It is thus of paramount importance to know how to exhibit one’s charms and be as attractive as possible within the context of the “new normal”.

So if you are seeking a partner, you should thus be aware that, thanks to the coronavirus, modern canons of beauty have been irrevocably altered. If you wish to appear attractive in the post-Covid-19 era, it is necessary to adapt your profile accordingly.

First of all, never has the maxim “Cleanliness is next to godliness” been so important. Clean is definitely beautiful. In your profile photo, you should be well-groomed. For this purpose, you should wear an attractive surgical mask (a face shield is optional). PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in the form of a white suit is not necessary since this would indicate a certain level of paranoia. However, your profile picture should be taken after you have showered.

As for your apparel, the best colors to wear are blue and white since they are symbolic of cleanliness. In fact, most brands of hand sanitizer use this same color combination.

Age is now less of a problem since the current focus is on health. If you have medical issues, you are now the ultimate ugly duckling. Personal information should include your latest blood test as a valid health indicator. If it also provides information saying that you are immune to Covid-19, your degree of attractiveness is boosted by various points.

Professional information should also be carefully weighed and analyzed before inserting it in your profile. An attractive profession is any work that can be done from home since that means that you will not lose your job during the next quarantine.

If you are a healthcare worker or a supermarket cashier, think carefully about revealing this information until the relationship has advanced considerably. You may be a hero at 8.00 PM each day, but the rest of the time, you are a social leper since everyone is afraid that you are contagious and a carrier of disease. 

If you absolutely must reveal your profession, it is preferable say that you are a drug dealer since this indicates a high level of financial solvency. Strictly speaking, it is not a lie because a doctor or nurse does deal out drugs to patients.

In the post-coronavirus world, the chatting phase is also affected. First of all, you should not be in a hurry to meet the other person. Before any face-to-face encounter, it is necessary to explore his/her views on things like social distancing (how near is too near?), normal body temperature (36.5ºC or 37ºC?), and cough frequency and intensity.

After a period of messaging, you can then morph into FaceTime. In this more visual phase, the health condition of the other person can be further explored since you can view them as they engage in workouts in front of the television. You can also see whether their apartment has a large balcony. These are all important aspects to consider in today’s world.

When a face-to-face encounter is finally planned, a set of rules of engagement should be established. The first meeting can be in a park during the one-hour time when it is possible to exercise or take a walk. 

Togetherness is defined as a distance of not less than two meters. Masks and gloves should be worn at all times. The mask can only be removed for a few seconds to assure mutual recognition. These outdoor walks may continue over an indefinite period of time.

The final level is the most difficult. It is when there is actual skin contact between the two participants. When both parties are finally convinced that the other is healthy, clean, non-infectious and, of course, sexually desirable to some degree, then it is possible to take the relation to the next level.

The first step is to surreptitiously meet in the apartment of one or the other, where masks and surgical gloves can be taken off. After a vigorous hand-washing session (preferably in separate basins), you can hold hands while talking. Subsequent steps depend on whether this first meeting goes well, and whether it generates any effects on your health or on the health of the other person.

There is a problem, of course, if you are in a great hurry to get the ball rolling, so to speak. This usually happens if you are in an agitated state because of an abnormally high level of hormonal activity, accompanied by a generous rush of dopamine. In this context, the only way for both parties to be completely safe is to use personal protective equipment. If additional guarantees are necessary, hazardous material (HazMat) suits can be worn.

Nevertheless, for this endeavor to be successful, each suit should be equipped with a strategic opening to facilitate the activities envisaged. At this point, it is important to bear in mind (even in the throes of passion) that hand sanitizer is only for hands, not for other appendages. (Alcohol irritates the skin in delicate areas.)  So, cleanliness can only be taken so far.  

In any case, this is something that each couple must figure out for themselves. It is one of the many challenges of the post-coronavirus era.

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